"Innovation for Sustainability Solution through IR 4.0"
It is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference of Information & Communication Technology 2021 (ICICTM 2021) that will be held through VIRTUAL on 23rd March 2021. The conference is organised by the MALAYSIA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (MIIT), Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) and FACULTY SCIENCE OF DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY (FSTP), Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) in collaboration with several local and overseas universities.
This year International Conference of Information & Communication Technology 2021 (ICICTM 2021) brings latest state-of-the-art theme “Innovation for Sustainability Solution through IR 4.0” to cater the current needs on digital innovation in various research areas and industries. International Conference of Information & Communication Technology 2021 (ICICTM 2021) aims to provide an excellent opportunity to share and exchange technologies and applications in the field of digital innovation for professionals, engineers, academics, and industrial people worldwide.
All accepted full papers will be published in Scopus indexed journals.
Paper Notification
28th February 2021
1st Call for Papers
2nd March 2020
Virtual Video Submission
5th March 2021
Camera Ready
10th March 2021
- To promote discussion and exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers from various countries in the field of digital innovation.
- To facilitate the formation of networking among industries and also between academic institutions local and international.
- To gather and discuss working papers on multidisciplinary areas on digital innovation.
- To generate and diffuse new theories, applications and technologies in digital innovation.
- To serve as a platform for research collaboration among other institutions of higher learning in the field of digital innovation.
ICICTM 2021 brings latest state-of-the-art
Calling all professionals, engineers, academics, and industrial people worldwide, we cover it all.
To get more details on the event, send us a message.