All papers must be submitted through the online submission platform EasyChair and should follow the instructions and templates given.

Formatting Guidelines must be aligned to Scopus Indexed Journals and an Virtual Online Video Presentation Guideline as follow:

Authors need to register and pay the full conference fee by 28th February 2021 to have their papers included in the selected Scopus Indexed Journals. Please be informed that the pages for publication are 6 to 12 pages.

The author of the selected paper must submit a virtual video presentation by 5th March 2021

ICICTM 2021 program book can be downloaded via the following button:

Video Conferencing Etiquette can be downloaded via the button below:

  1. General
    • Each article must be within 6 to 12 pages including references list. Articles must be written in clear and concise grammatical British English. The article should conform to the style and format as per the given ‘Article Template’.
  2. Title
    • The title should be concise and descriptive and preferably not exceed 15 words. Unless absolutely necessary, scientific names and formulae should be excluded in the title.
  3. Address
    • The author’s name, academic or professional affiliation, e-mail address, and full address should be included on the first page. All correspondence will be only with the corresponding author (should be indicated), including any on editorial decisions.
  4. Abstract
    • The abstract should precede the article and in approximately 150–200 words outline briefly the objectives and main conclusions of the paper.
  5. Introduction
    • The introduction should describe briefly the area of study and may give an outline of previous studies with supporting references and indicate clearly the objectives of the paper.
  6. Materials and Methods
    • The materials used, the procedures followed with special reference to experimental design and analysis of data should be included.
  7. Results
    • Data of significant interest should be included.
  8. Figures
    • Line drawings (including graphs) should be presented in high resolution. The lettering should be clear.
  9. Tables
    • These should have short descriptive titles and be self-explanatory. Values in tables should include as few digits as possible. In most cases, more than two digits after the decimal point are unnecessary. Units of measurements should be SI units. Unnecessary abbreviations should be avoided. Information given in tables should not be repeated in graphs and vice versa.
  10. Discussion
    • The contribution of the work to the overall knowledge of the subject could be shown. Relevant conclusions should be drawn, and the potential for further work indicated where appropriate.
  11. Plagiarism Check
    • The journal only allows up to 20% similarities of plagiarism check via Turnitin or any similar plagiarism checking system. Authors must attach the plagiarism report with their acceptance.